Spooky Space Facts for Halloween

Spooky Space Facts for Halloween

Oct 18, 2024Astronaut Foods

While there may not be trick-or-treating in space (that we know of), there are plenty of other spooky things floating around up there. With Halloween approaching, we want to share some of our favorite freaky space facts. 

The Haunting Silence of Space: One of the eeriest things about space is its silence. In a vacuum, sound waves can’t travel, so when you’re floating among the stars, it’s as quiet as a grave. If I scream, you scream, and we all scream for Astronaut Ice Cream, will anyone hear?

Aliens: Though we don’t have proof of extraterrestrial life (aliens), scientists have found multiple habitable planets outside of our solar system. Given the vastness of the universe, it is incredibly likely that there is other life somewhere out there. Keep up to date with the latest UFO sightings at NBC News' UFO News.

Event Horizon black hole nasa

Image: Event horizon, NASA

Event Horizon: This is a boundary surrounding a black hole beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull of the black hole. It marks the point of no return: once any matter or radiation crosses this boundary, it will inevitably be drawn into the black hole and cannot communicate with or return to the outside universe. This was also featured in the 1997 science fiction horror movie of the same name.

Ghostly Galaxies: Did you know there are galaxies that seem to have vanished? Astronomers have discovered “ghost galaxies” that are difficult to detect because they’re made up almost entirely of dark matter. Just like a ghost, they exist but remain elusive, haunting the cosmos and challenging our understanding of the universe.

Zombie Stars: Some stars can literally come back from the dead! In a process called "re-ignition," certain stars that have exhausted their fuel can undergo a second act, reigniting and becoming bright again. 

Mysterious Dark Matter: Dark matter makes up about 27% of the universe, but we can’t see it. It’s like a spooky presence that influences galaxies and structures without revealing itself. Scientists are still trying to uncover the truth about this mysterious substance.

Black Holes: Black holes are the real horror story of space. With gravitational pulls so strong that not even light can escape, they consume everything in their path. Once you cross their horizon, there’s no turning back—it’s the ultimate cosmic boogeyman. 

The Phantom Planet: Astronomers believe there might be a ninth planet lurking in the outskirts of our solar system, hidden from view. This hypothetical planet, often referred to as "Planet Nine," is like a phantom—its presence is suggested by the gravitational effects on other celestial bodies, but it has yet to be seen! 

The Boötes Void: Also known as the "Great Nothing," this is a massive empty region of space about 330 million light-years across, containing very few galaxies. It's one of the largest known voids in the universe, and its emptiness is eerie and mysterious. Learn more at BBC's Sky at Night Magazine.

Lowells Canals of Mars

Image: Lowell's Canals of Mars, NASA

Canals On Mars: Did you know the oldest person who could have tried Astronaut Ice Cream may have been born in 1874?! Around the same time, astronomers believed they had seen "canals" on the surface of Mars, leading to a popular belief that intelligent life existed on the red planet. These supposed canals sparked both excitement and fear, as people speculated about the existence of an advanced Martian civilization. Though later proven to be an optical illusion, the idea of alien life watching us from Mars was a chilling thought during that period.