
Send Your Own Satellite to Space
Oct 25, 2018
You can send your own satellite into space with the help of NASA’s Cubesat Launch Initiative.This CSLI program makes space research more accessible than ever before in history! 
The Goblin Planet
Oct 18, 2018
There is a tiny goblin orbiting our sun in the far reaches of our solar system and its name is 2015 TG387.
Animals in Space
Jul 12, 2018
Fruit flies, mice, monkeys, chimpanzees, guinea pigs, rabbits, frogs, reptiles—a menagerie. Probably the most famous is Laika, the dog launched aboard Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957.
Ice cream, pizza launched into space
Jul 12, 2018
An ice cream truck was launched into space Sunday morning from Virginia. That may be a slightly distorted description of the resupply craft for the International Space Station that departed from the NASA facility on Wallops...
NASA growing food in space
Jul 12, 2018
When future astronaut crews begin living and working at more distant destinations in space, they will need to take a little of the Earth with them to help them breathe and allow them to eat their vegetables.
Stunning New Photos Of Jupiter
Jun 22, 2017
Traveling above Jupiter at more than 130,000 miles per hour, NASA's $1 billion Juno probe took its ninth set of stunning flyby images on October 24. But the sun slipped between the giant planet and Earth for more than a week...